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master234 új blog bejegyzést írt címmel. szeptember 10.



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Minden ami kedvenc játékoddal kapcsolatos, CSGO
Eddig 1033 hozzászólás érkezett. Szólj hozzá Te is!
Hozzászóláshoz kérjük jelentkezz be az oldalon!


aug. 21., 12:30

The most spin-handed web store with CSGO cases ever

I have some nice knives and guns... I have got lot of special but not very high cost skins in my inventory!..I was spining many times boxes which catch after the game but every time it was great disappointment... I was also spining cases with CS:GO models in different online stores and shops.

 However I was disappointed by skins I've got but nevertheless I used to continue buy cases!.. I was usualy thinking that web stores with CSGO cases to spin are scams:( 1 fine day in my FB newsline I think an ad of the web service with CS:GO boxes that I had never think yet!!! Sure, I tried it!!! Opencsgo is the store I'm talking about. I got to know that

Com is the title sponsor of Gambit team and they gained the victory in Major that was lead in Krakow!.. Uch advertising activities show seriousness of the web site I think. In addition, new web-sites are often give a lot of wins in the beginning of their activities!.. Nevertheless I was encouraged.To words, yesterday I registered on service and cash in 95$!!! I decided to start with not expensive cases... The first spin brought me XM1014 Blaze Orange field tested. The start was amaizing...

 Then I made several more spins and gained Nova Blaze Orange for $11... Then I decided to get the bigger fish!!! I decided to buy case for $ 26!.. I spun 4 times and almost gave up hope to win... And then... I have dropped THE GREAT M4A4 Howl factory new for about $550...OMG! This was my first experience when I catch the TOP items. I think to play with this item some games and then I'll sell it!.. Who wants to exchange it for something else? 



aug. 12., 13:36
CS:GO hacket adok el.Wallhack,BunnyHopp,TrigerBot,mind egyben

ára más ajánlatokat is meghalgatok



júl. 25., 12:33

Boxes devoted to champs are truly profitable... That time Major gave me several money

This Major in Krakow is keenly contested May be. I watch every game! For a couple of days recently the Major started I think the same name offer on Opencsgo... I wrote realy near by high success of opening of dreamhack and ESL cases on Open CSGO either... 

That champ is some more top so may be the box has some more good skins!.. Only take a look there and these great items. So after little housework recently next qualifiers I was thinking to try this case. And finally I could began case buying)) I have fixed that than oftener you fill it than higher opportunities to earn profit!.. I had on balance an amount for about $60 but I provided to add several! I put up on balance 40 $. After that I began! M4A1-S Cyrex for about 8 $ was the 1-st skin... After that I have dropped AK Emerald Pinstripe and a few more not so good drops!

Thus I was not upset and forward up to make opening!.. And I was right:) Can you think Glock fade! This was one of my best spinings. May be I'll spin this box more in several days|I'll try to open the offer when the main part of Major will go on|During the main part of Major I'll try more}!.. Who knows maybe it gives me Medusa or Dragon Lore:) 



júl. 10., 15:44

Keep attention on the advertisement: there are sales, bonuses and other good things for case spining in the form of promo codes hidden

Don’t ignore pushes after subscribing. Have you sometimes subscribed for notifications? Open CSGO is one of such stores. If you are a skins hunter then make subscription for push-notifications either...10 case openings with 10% discount give one free spining by the way... Push notifications cover promotional codes for bonuses, off-price and other good things. 

These codes can give discount 10, 15, 20%! How to subscribe push-notifications?.. Just push the bell on Open CSGO web store and you will be subscribed!.. Personal discount... Promo codes can give different advantages. Tanks to push I’v got yesterday UMP-45 Blaze that costs almost $19. Thanks to push-notifications I spinned lots of boxes with great discounts and got cool items cheaper than you even can imagine... Get profit from notifications, they are really profitable...



jún. 30., 14:35

My great case spining on Open csgo

I was going to make a profitable box opening on Open CSGO because of my will to get more cash to attend the concert of my favorite group. I used to purchase cases on that store some times before and almost every time I had success... I've filled $ 60 before starting!.. I decided to begin with an AWP case for $ 3,99. Cheap Safari Mesh was my first spin:( 

The next case spining was already more successful and I've got Hyper Beast. Then I've bought the Ultraviolet case several times. I spinned ultraviolet case for some times and at last catch Bayonet Ultraviolet!.. After Ultraviolet case I begun to purchase case named Covert... I'll tell you that box brought me high profit... You would never guess what a skin I catch after couple of case spining!.. I win AK Fire Serpent!.. The skin I have catch prise more than $ 190!.. Then I've spinned boxes and collected some not very expensive models. 

Buying boxes Counter Strike on OpenCS:GO that time on OpenCSGO was a lucky one!.. That night of that day I have spinned some more boxes and win Sport Gloves Superconductor but I will tell you about this miracle next time. 



jún. 15., 12:01
Stories about great spins are telling truth

Hi guys! 

I am an old-school Counter-Strike gamer) I like gambling and tried to spin boxes with CS GO models on special web-stores but drops were middling! Several times I've read special stories about great drops on youtube. Gamers in these stories were telling how to spin cases on sites with csgo items:) 

They described in their reports special technics of case buying! One of these schemes is buying of one and the same case and it is called "box charging"... In stories and videos I have got to know about methods of case buying that are similar to casino! I used to try this "feeling" Counter Strike services like it was telling in the story. 

So I started to choose the case with items on the OpenCSGO store) After that I'm put up 40 usd on the account... I've choose the box for 7,77$ and began to spin it and already on the 8th attempt I have caught M4A4 Poseidon. Now I am sure the "case feeding" is profitable! That day I was buying one more case... 

I have used to open another box and catch from it AUG Akihabara Accept and AWP Hyper Beast. I've take on not much but ended =buying= with profit:) Unbelievable but the feeling is effective) 



jún. 07., 15:49

Every 5th opening is a win is true

Not long ago I have looking for a nice place where I can get amazing items and found OpenCSGO video!!! I charge the balance on OpenCSGO page to which was in the video and opening about 13 attempts one box!.. 4 000 knives in a day. Well... Oh wow!!! 

Nevertheless, I have tried it! They telling truth!!! From near 9 dropps I hade make I've caught AWP Electric Hive and AWP Asiimov for about $20 each one!.. And I have got almost $19 cash-in for about 25 minutes!!! Next time I'll refill more cash to win more nice items!!! 



jún. 02., 11:12

Every 5th opening is a TOP SPIN is true

Several month befour I have meet OpenCS:GO video! I made a refill with $ 40 and opened a single one cheap case 12 times on OpenCSGO site!!! About 5 000 items more than $100 daily! Hmmmm... But I've decided to try it... 

They are telling truth! From about 12 attempts I hade make I have got AWP Electric Hive and AWP Asiimov both about $25!!! And I've got near $18 profit for less than 15 minutes... I am sure I can gain more cool skins and money if I will refill more!..



máj. 31., 12:14

Now we can complete the Hydra Operation

Since the time I've read about the Operation Hydra I was sleepless! The Hydra brought us new skins! Now we can complete the Hydra. Besides, it gave us the new box named the same!.. I was curious about new case! I do not like to purchase on steam store! I am using OpenCS:GO for almost one year!.. 

The box Hydra Operation has appeared on my favorite OpenCSGO, too!!! And I was not disappointed... My collection of items has now Moto Gloves Boom! Field Tested for about $130!!! 

I have bought the box near 20 times and have many new items and Five-SeveN Hyper Beast Factory New for almost $100 is now mine!!! The Hydra Operation case on Opencsgo has made me happy!.. I've put up $110 and got about $245! 



máj. 29., 17:21

Elvileg ha elérem a 3.szintet akkor ugye kéne prime accountot állítani, aminek az avatarom felett kéne megjelenni de nincs ott. Az majd valamikor megjelenik vagy máshol kéne keresnem? vagy ilyenkor mivan?



máj. 26., 10:32


máj. 24., 12:49

Check your mail letters to win access to hidden cases

Counter-Strike box opening is a great chance to get profit... I'm talking near Open CSGO!!! I mean the email letters subscription... The mail letters give access to hidden boxes!!! $150 is the cost of the item that I have dropped from a hidden case recently! A great M4A4 Poseidon minimal wear from a hidden box was my prize!!! To subscribe for OpenCS:GO just enter your email letters after login... 

Make a transaction and the Pay Pal system subscribes you for email with hidden boxes of Open csgo... By skins requesting you can also enter any email to win information about hidden cases!!! These mail may contain access to hidden boxes, sales, promocodes, giveaways and other feachers!!! While checking mail check letters from case opening services recently deleting!



máj. 23., 12:22

I used to find out how to opening CS GO boxes with profit

This day has come: I have descovered the scheme how to get a profit skin after opening CS:GO cases... Just establish the item you want and purchase cases only with that skin... You will need to know what do you want to get and a little bit patient... 

I've worked out my strategy when I was asleep, just imagine it... The theory was proved by my own experience in the first session of cs go case buying

And then I have get started... As a hunted item I have decided on AWP BOOM for about $110 that is opencsgo. 

This was hard provide this experiment and to buy another case but I was go my balls on the wall! And I've got my AWP BOOM on opencsgo! 

The theory is true because of my achieved desired and by the way I have dropped many cools items!!! Many cool skins and BOOM and a new scheme that is true, I am HAPPY... 



máj. 20., 19:07
100+ CSGO Referral Codes, Free Coin Codes, Free Skins |

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máj. 19., 16:00

Use all your mediums to buy cases with CS:GO skins to win profit

Buy boxes with CSGO items gives great profit when it is made wisely using all possible ways. I am talking about this place to buy csgo skins. I mean the mail letters subscription... 

The emails give access to hidden cases. The prise of the item I've caught from a hidden box is about $130 and it was amazing experience for me. A great M4A4 Poseidon minimal wear from a hidden case was my bonus. Make a transaction and the Pay Pal system subscribes you for emails with hidden boxes of Open csgo... 

To make subscription for Open csgo just enter your mail after login... By skins requesting you can also enter any mail to get information about hidden cases! There may be links to hidden boxes or other goodies like promocodes, discounts etc!!! Do not delete email letters from CSGO stores without reading it I recommend! 



máj. 12., 14:15

How to pay for box opening to get more profit

Hello guys...

I use to change skins, look for theme anywhere, I want to collect all items that I like...I like collecting great rags and knives for Counter strike global offencive.

I used to read an advice it is better refill the balance on the bpxes sites with several tranches than with a single but greater...I think the best possibilities to hunt a item you want give some stores which are selling Counter Strike: Global Offencive cases like

So I decided to use this scheme and divided $110 into three parts!

I put up money on opencsgo because of my nice experience of working with it. And the plan worked out. Almost at once it was dropped AUG Akihabara Accept

Then I’ve dropped some cheap skins but after the second refill I’ve got an expensive another best rag to my collection! On the whole I’ve got more than $120 during these sessions. I plan to make few payments for more for example 3 pays at $90 each one instead single one at $270!



máj. 03., 14:57
More than a year I do not buy steam keys for Counter-Strike GO skins

Hi there!

More than a year I do not buy steam keys for Counter-Strike GO cases.

who is opening skins on steam-store???!!!

For about a year I use only independent resourses for Counter-Strike GO dropps like this web-store!

I refused to buy keys for CS:GO skins because of sucky drops...

I donít see any intelligible dropsystem with opening on steamstore!

And this web-site gives a nice skin regular and I can be sure of making a nice spin.

Just yesterday Iíve dropped on M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet!!!

I would not by any skin on steam more an? Wish you to do the same...



ápr. 07., 11:37
How I've made great drop Salute!

 I'll tell u the story how I have got great skin. After refilling at nearly $70 I began my case opening... 

I've made only 4!! spins and then dropped this brilliant skin M4A1-S Chantico's Fire!! It was on this web site... 

While I have already this skin I was very happy on this issue! So I'm ready to convert into cash it or change for another one. 



márc. 27., 19:00

    ~Szerver neve:[HUN]PrimalGaming - Public |
    ~IP cím:
    ~Férőhely: 24
    ~Tulajdonosok: G4pi és Zendor!
    ~Admin felvétel: ON!



márc. 21., 05:26
Hali, mindenki.
találtam egy oldalt ahol deposit nélkül lehet kivenni skineket. Ha érdekel itt a link ->  egy referal link 68mb0a ez ad valamennyi coint. És még van napi 10 ingyen coin, amivel ha játszotok, nyerhettek még coint és már egész olcsón ki lehet venni skineket. Kipróbáltam, megadtama  trade urlomat, és valóban minden fizetés nélkül elküldte nekem amit szerettem volna. Sok sikert nektek.
BrúszLii  Sziasztok!

Egy kis segítségre lenne szükségem, belépéskor a consolba mindig ezeket a hibákat írja ki. Nem tudom, hogy emiatt-e, de 40 fps-em van játék közben, pedig minden config lowwon van, i7-es procim van, igaz csak egy ati HD 4600-as kártya, de szerintem nem emiatt. Már ha a menüben scrollozok fel-le, akkor is esik a ping. Egy pár dolgot már kipróbáltam google barátom által, de nem segített semmi.

Szóval akinek van tippje, kérem segítsen, köszi előre is.

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_max_before_cleanup)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_auto_cleanup_time)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (steam_controller_haptics)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_verbose_changelevel_spew)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads)

Particles: Missing 'particles/money_fx.pcf'

maxplayers set to 64

Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents

Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents

Steam config directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\platform\config

Particles: Missing 'particles/money_fx.pcf'

CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'coop_mission_end_stats' unknown.

Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"

Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"

Unknown command "tr_completed_training"

Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"

Failed to init 'maps/soundcache/_master_hungarian.cache'

Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"

Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"

Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"

Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"

Unknown command "tr_completed_training"

Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"

Loaded default network config file.  Loaded revision 98 OK

Loaded cached network config file.  Data contains revision 98, not newer than current revision 98; ignoring.

Starting ping measurement

Got network config from CDN.  Data contains revision 98, not newer than current revision 98; ignoring.

Telling Steam it is safe to update the app

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default_download

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tsnm'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tsnu'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwg'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pww'.

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_quest.vtf)

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)

Communications with routing cluster 'tsnt' have been disrupted.

Ping measurement completed

Communications with routing cluster 'pww' established.

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)



márc. 19., 02:01
1. tegyél bele egy rendes vgat ha már i7-el tolod
2. xbox dvr-t kapcsold ki az eléggé megeszi az fpst


márc. 18., 16:26

Egy kis segítségre lenne szükségem, belépéskor a consolba mindig ezeket a hibákat írja ki. Nem tudom, hogy emiatt-e, de 40 fps-em van játék közben, pedig minden config lowwon van, i7-es procim van, igaz csak egy ati HD 4600-as kártya, de szerintem nem emiatt. Már ha a menüben scrollozok fel-le, akkor is esik a ping. Egy pár dolgot már kipróbáltam google barátom által, de nem segített semmi.

Szóval akinek van tippje, kérem segítsen, köszi előre is.

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_max_before_cleanup)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_auto_cleanup_time)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (steam_controller_haptics)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_verbose_changelevel_spew)

Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads)

Particles: Missing 'particles/money_fx.pcf'

maxplayers set to 64

Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents

Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents

Steam config directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\platform\config

Particles: Missing 'particles/money_fx.pcf'

CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'coop_mission_end_stats' unknown.

Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"

Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"

Unknown command "tr_completed_training"

Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"

Failed to init 'maps/soundcache/_master_hungarian.cache'

Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"

Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"

Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Unknown command "cl_thirdperson"

Unknown command "tr_best_course_time"

Unknown command "tr_completed_training"

Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging"

Loaded default network config file.  Loaded revision 98 OK

Loaded cached network config file.  Data contains revision 98, not newer than current revision 98; ignoring.

Starting ping measurement

Got network config from CDN.  Data contains revision 98, not newer than current revision 98; ignoring.

Telling Steam it is safe to update the app

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default_download

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tsnm'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'tsnu'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwg'.

Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pww'.

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_quest.vtf)

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)

Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)

Communications with routing cluster 'tsnt' have been disrupted.

Ping measurement completed

Communications with routing cluster 'pww' established.

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(35906543), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(116455321), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(40195620), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)

Error getting avatar image: playerID(49803965), iIndex(65535)


JC' ☹

febr. 28., 17:30
Sziasztok játékos társaim!:) 

Jelenleg 3man lennénk DMG - LE rankban. (Lurk, Rifleman valamint Beugró)

Szeretnék egy csapatot össze állítani komolyabb célokkal. De mindenek előtt heti gyakorlásokkal valamint mm-ekkel kezdenénk, amíg el nem érjük a lem-suprem rankot, addig csak online cupok, praccok es night cupok jöhetnének szóba. Természetesen minden mapra fordítanánk kellő figyelmet, és egyéni skill fejlesztésére is. Valamint egyéb játékokkal való foglalkozást sem utasítjuk el, mivel így nő a csapatban a kémia :D És ha ez így megy hosszú távon akkor szóba jöhetnek a kisebb nagyobb magyar lanok is! 

Akiket keresünk: AWP, IGL, ENTRY

- Min rank : DMG - LE

- Ts, mikrofon

- Megbízhatóság amit te ugyan úgy megkapsz

- Kellő aktivitás 

- Min életkor: 15. Maximum nincs :D 

- Lan megoldható legyen

- Kellő játék intelligencia, csapatjátékos

- Ne ragelj. Vagy ha előfordul akkor mute és mond a magadét :D 

Akinek felkeltettem az érdeklődését az jelöljön



febr. 24., 11:10
Sziasztok! Mai ESL Hungary Nightcupra keresek emebereket 18:00 kezdettel! Akit érdekel:


febr. 01., 18:18



-2 Játékost keresünk -Entry -Support

Akinek van

* 3,30 óra napi playtime

* Rank min. : Sas

* Géppel játszik és van min 80 fps-e 

* Akinek van mikrofonja

Amit csinálni fogunk :

*Esl kupák 

*Napi 3 óra játék a teammel taxokkal

* Ha időben megvan a team akkor nyári icl

Ha ezek mind megvannak jelöld be őt :



jan. 30., 16:22
Sziasztok olyan problémám van már másodszor h letöltöttem a játékot körül belül egy hónapig kifogástalanul működik aztán ezt írja ki " Error loading game version! Error avaliable CS:GO game versions. Some launcher functions will be disabled. "  és nem tudok tovább játszani vele hiába telepítem újra :S tudna nekem valaki segíteni ???


jan. 30., 16:22
Szaisztok! Ellenfelet keresünk 5v5 warra. Rang m1. Steam:


jan. 29., 17:50

Sziasztok ! :D

Csapatot keresek 4 főt az én fő szerepeim entry fragger vagy az awp-zés (de ezt ha megleszünk 5-en akkor még kitaláljuk)

Feltételek:-életkor 17+

              -legyen TS-ed

              -ne rage-lj

              -csapatba tudj játszani

bLoodcsi  Tölöd ki a cfg filokat a csgo mappábban(common-csgo-csgo-cfg)


jan. 17., 21:46
Köszönöm, de megoldottam uninst cs go + uninst steam és reinst ez így megoldotta (egyelőre)de így ma már kibírt 4 egyégnyi versengőt :-) azért köszönöm !!!!!

angel1124  Sziasztok,
Segítség kellene, mert a cs go leáll magától. Alkalmazás hiba:
A hibát okozó modul neve: engine.dll, verzió:, időbélyeg: 0x587838af
már már tragikus a problémám egy kört sem tudok végigjátszani.



jan. 17., 19:03
Tölöd ki a cfg filokat a csgo mappábban(common-csgo-csgo-cfg)

Counter-Strike videók


CS2HU Steam csoport


Utolsó hozzászólások




Counter-Strike képekben

kép 1898
kép 5376
kép 4580
kép 2754

Counter-Strike Hírlevél

Iratkozz fel CS2HU hírlevelünkre!
Hírlevelünkkel értesülhet a Counter-Strike sorozat világának legfontosabb híreiről.

Counter-Strike a facebookon


A Counter-Strike hírei


Logitech G600 MMO csak játékosoknak

Nem kevesebb mint húsz különálló gombbal szerelte fel a Logitech legújabb, leginkább stratégiai és online játékosoknak szánt számítógépes egerét.
június 18. -

Kacsák a myRevenge-ben

A címből talán már sokan kitalálhatták, hogy miről is szól jelen cikkünk: a német szervezet újfent Magyarország felé vette az irányt és igazolt le egy tehetséges CSS felállást.
május 26. -

Online Gaming Championship Invite

Már elég régóta megy a mozgolódás a háttérben, ám kis hazánkra fókuszált terveinket most sikerült véghezvinnünk. Ez a terv nem volt más, mint az OGC Kft. nevéből érkező Online Gaming Championship versenysorozat, mely hamarosan el is kezdődik Counter-Strik
május 05. -

eSport ösztöndíj

Emlékszik még valaki a Corvinuson megtartott WoW-os közgazdaságtan előadásra? Sokak számára meglepő volt, mint ahogy az utóbbi években számtalan más játékostársadalombeli epizód. Laikus ismerőseim a mai napig kétkedve fogadják a téma legmeghökkentőbb szto
április 23. -

Csalt az aTTaX a CPHGames-en?

A Team ALTERNATE alsóági ellenfelei csalással vádolták meg a német szervezet Counter-Strike: Source játékosait.
április 10. -