Nem sokkal az
AMXX 1.50 megjelenése után a készítők rögtön kiadták az új 1.55-ös verziót, ami számos frissítést tartalmaz. A fő célja az új modnak az előző verzió bugmentesítése illetve a Linuxra optimalizálás volt. Változások a programban (angol)
Archív cikk áttöltve: 2012/03/29 · Eredeti szerző: HeNtEs
Changed the JIT to prevent possible crashing on pingboost/threading situations on linux (reported by hullu).
Compiled with gcc-3.4 instead of 2.95 - binaries should be smaller and faster (thanks hullu). AMX Mod X and the S/MDK will no longer compile on gcc-2.95
Added human readable error messages to many core natives.
Added Czech language translation (thanks Fatty).
Replaced AMXX Edit with newer AMXX Studio.
Replaced ESF module with new ESF plugin from Corona-Bytes.
Fixed bug where set_task would run one extra time on "repeat" mode.
Fixed bug where plugins could not be unpaused.
Fixed bug where bots could not deal damage with Fun module.
Fixed linux compiler crashing on load.
Fixed crash bug in register_native.
Fixed alloc/dealloc mismatches in register_native.
Fixed three newmenu functions not being implemented (patched by Freecode).
Fixed a bug where CS team switching did not work with plmenu (Steam update
Fixed callfunc_push_str copying zero characters (reported by Lord of Destruction, Twilight Suzuka).
Fixed documentation errors about MF_AmxExec* (Twilight Suzuka).