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CS2HU 2006. január 24. 0 hozzászólás

A vita a mai nappal lezárult. A CB adminjai is úgy találták, hogy bizony a svéd xeed csapata nem játszott segítség nélkül a vasárnap tartott EuroCup XII mérkõzésen ezért piros lapot kaptak, a meccset

A vita a mai nappal lezárult. A CB adminjai is úgy találták, hogy bizony a svéd s xeed csapata nem játszott segítség nélkül a vasárnap tartott EuroCup XII mérkõzésen ezért piros lapot kaptak, a meccset pedig ilyen esetben természetesen az ellenfélnek, jelen esetben az a ancients-nek nyilvánítják. Ezzel a xeed búcsúzott is a kupából, olyan "hírnévvel", hogy övék az egyetlen piros lap (a ReasonGaming-nek már volt egy sárgalapja). Tehát az ancients menetelhet tovább a kupában, remélhetõleg zökkenõmentesen. A levelet a kibõvített részben találjátok. Levélváltás
Archív cikk áttöltve: 2012/03/29 · Eredeti szerző: HeNtEs

 Hey there,

Yes, we have conducted that they cheated. Red cards will be given out tonight.

Best wishes,


My name is Balazs Torok aka KODIAK (pid: 4280428). I am the leader of team ancients from Hungary. I really regret that I have to write this letter.
This is concerning the match in ClanBase Eurocup ancients vs xeed (irc channel was #cb5212296_59). We played the match on the 22nd of january 21:00CET on a german neutral server which was accepted by both teams. Before the match we were warned by a few ppl who playd against xeed that they have a member who is either a very good player (Lawwe) or someone who uses wallhack (some even suspect him to be zioz who was banned from the Tek9 Cup earlyer). Anyway xeed played well beat us and Lawwe usually dominated all sides so we asked for screens and demo which he proveded. I watched the demo and we showed it to an admin too (Sniper1 if I am correct) he found it suspicious. I myself found it suspicious at first too but later I used mat_wireframes to watch the demo again and came across a few very alarming moves I will point out these screens to u in a movie and provide you with the tick number in the demo. Also the screenshots seem a bit odd but in both cases I think you have the athourity to decied if Lawwe (4660722 (hid: 2796147)) used anything that are unfair or against the rules. I must stress that we agreed to send this letter not only becouse we feel that Lawwe is not playing fair, but most of the cs:s community or at least the clans we know think that there is something fishy going on with xeed. So here are some tick numbers from the demos that show interesting moves:

Train T side:

26000              - hitting accurately through the floor and spotting deep in the lower right corner
58000              - predicting the place of  two defenders taking them out with two bullets
74000              - shooting just before seeing the enemy
11000              - last round 3 frags especially the last is interesting Lawwe predicts pikis movement without seeing him

Train CT side:

31000              - shooting (aiming for the head but hitting the pillar) before seeing the enemy
39000              - expecting and taking down 2
53000              - predicting movement without seeing trying to hit through walls etc
58000              - expecting attack from above before seeing it

Mill T side:

5000                - perdicting the movement of the CT he cannot see
35000              - shooting allmost without seeing twice
84000              - aiming on the CT underground


The two most convinicng scenes are the one where he predicts the CT jumping from the bridge without seeing anything and when he focuses on the underground tunnel when hearing the noise of the braking tunnel cover… if this was 1.6 I would say, hey he shoots at the noise so he might hit through the wall but in source you cant even do that… In my oppinion these things add up and to a conclusion that this player Lawwe did not play fair or he is an extraordinary and exeptional talent. My guess would be the first one.
It is up to you to decide I belive, so we are awaiting your decision on this matter.
Thank you.
Best regards.

Balazs Torok

Demos and screens provided by Lawwe:

movie – later tonight:


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